首页 > 手游攻略 > 《兄弟双子传说》12成就获得方法


时间:2018-10-18 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:61

话题: 兄弟双子传说



Call of the giants:用弓箭射击巨人尸体开路旁的号角,哥哥吹响即可

Take a break 一开始的时候放下父亲,溜到下面的沙滩上,尽头有个石堆,触发打水漂剧情即可

Whale song 雪山伐木那边继续向前,两兄弟坐在那个长凳上即可触发

Behind the curtain 冰山划水那里穿过血瀑布解锁

Black sheep 把羊抓到染黑兔子的灰堆里就OK了

Bunny buddies 需要抓羊驱动的地方向左走,染黑白兔子

Windpipe 在滑翔那边向上走,弟弟操作吹的需要转动手柄的杠杆,哥哥操作推动的杠杆,卡到合适点位

A sad tune 救下那个上吊的人,并从树屋后面绕过去拾到八音盒交给那个人

Wishing well 第二章把小女孩的球丢到井里去即可达成

Turtle soap 跟着蜘蛛女经过大海龟时把三个小海龟推到滑梯即可

Love birds 羊圈旁边有一只笼子里的鸟,但是释放之后并没有解锁成就,不知道是不是还有其他的鸟

Falling star 虽然它那里说Patience is a virtue,但是我真心不知道哪里去寻找耐心啊=_=


To get this achievement you need to release the bird in Chapter 1 and find it again in erChapter 4


In Chapter 1 you'll need to get up a hill to get to the area with the rabbits and the sheep. When you walk onto the wooden plattform you'll see a cage with a parrot in it. Open the cage with the little brother and just play the game like you normally would untill you arrive at the professors place.


In Chapter 4 you'll arrive at the mentioned place where the professor lives. When you go down the stairs towards your objective you'll see a telescope. Interact with it and look to the bottom right. You'll see one bird sitting there. Focus the camera on him and zoom in if needed to trigger a little cutscene and get the achievement to pop

在第四章中你走到了教授住的地方,走上台阶,到能够看到一架望远镜的地方。使用望远镜,并且向下、再向右方看,会发现有一只鸟。把镜头对准它并且放大,如果正确的话可以出发过场动画#两只鸟在一起的happy ending……#,然后获得成就。


You can get this achievement in Chapter 3


At the beginning of this chapter you'll be in a dark forest, being attacked by wolves. After you made your way through the forest you'll be at a graveyard. Right in front of you will be a bench and to your right a statue. Go to the statue, 


Important: You have to use only the little brother to trigger the falling star and unlock the achievement. Thx @ B A R 4 D for clearing it up completely



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