首页 > pc游戏攻略 > 暗黑3设计师:正在重做泰兰德塔萨达天赋


时间:2015-09-25 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:115

话题: 暗黑3




  在过去的5-6个月,暴雪和玩家还没有意识到清线能力是多么重要,因此很多(清线类)天赋都提高了300%的伤害来让玩家选择他。 现在清线能力(在英雄选择上)有很高的优先级







  在blzcon上暴雪可能会公布新英雄(可能? 不是100%吗!)


  在2014年blzcon,他们发现双血条(比如泰凯斯的奥丁)是一个问题 (就是说以后不会再搞双血条了)


  They're working on Tyrande and Tassadar's support talents, and on internal testing it feels like they have two new solid strong supports.

  Kael'thas internal stats shows that he's doing ok in the win ratio category, with maybe Chain Stats being an outlier.

  Leoric is one of the highest win ratio heroes, with a wave clear that might be too strong (along with Johanna).

  In the past (5-6 months ago) they think wave clear was less valued by devs and the community - hence why talents needed to have a 300% bonus damage for anyone to consider it. Now it's a major priority.

  Zeratul is another hero that has a near 100% pick/ban ratio, so they're looking at what can be nerfed on him.

  Void Prison and Wormhole for instance are being monitored.

  Bans in ranked play creates a sort of barrier since it increases the minimum number of heroes needed for players to try that. It may also create a situation where someone's favorite character is always banned. But they considering implementing that.

  Ideally they would want to address character balance in order for a character to not have to be banned all the time.

  The dev suggests that internally their Custom Games have a drafting tool (not clear).

  They have a list with hundreds of small features (specially on user interface) they want to implement, and prioritizing that is hard. Community feedback has an impact on this.

  One of their senior engineers is focused mainly on improving matchmaking, since the community had a ton of feedback and requests on that.

  There's a chance they will reveal new heroes at Blizzcon.

  They do look at tournaments for both epic moments and for things that might need to be balanced/tweaked from a design standpoint.

  At 2014's Blizzcon, they realized how double health bars (from Tychus' Odin for instance) were a problem.

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