「银河文明II」为一款描述跟外星人结成「The Terran Alliance」同盟的人类如何对抗敌对外星人势力「Drengin Empire」的即时战略游戏。而在这款最新资料片中将会有著怎样的内容更新,则还有待官方之后公布才能明瞭。
Start the game with the "cheat" command line parameter. (在游戏的exe档路径後加上"cheat")
Then, press " / " (在游戏中按 / )
type one of the following codes to enable the corresponding (再按以下指令)
cheat function: (只翻译有用过的指令)
Cheat Effect
[Ctrl] + M Add 10,000 BC (加一万现金)
[Ctrl] + B Add Battleship (增加战船)
[Ctrl] + H Heal Selected Ship (回复点选中的船只HP)
[Ctrl] + A Upgrade Selected Ship (升级点选中的船只)
[Ctrl] + C Clone Selected Ship (复制点选中的船只)
[Ctrl] + T Teleport Selected Ship to Pointer (传送点选中的船只至mouse位置)
[Ctrl] + 0-9 Hail Major Races
[Ctrl] + J Complete Social Projects
[Shift] + R Research Technology (完成选择了的科技研究)
[Shift] + [Ctrl] + R Research All Technology (完成所有科技研究)
[Ctrl] + L Assigns Remaining Planets to Cajor Races[1]
[Ctrl] + N Restart on New Map With New Race
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + D Spawn A Minor Race
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + T Hail Yourself
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + J Complete Other Race’s Projects
[Ctrl] + V United Planets Meeting
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + X Quarterly Report
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + B Spawn Different Star Bases
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + M Change Alignment
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