DasV3.0.4 安卓版
手机软件  |  2017-03-21  |  上线时间 2025-04-08

Das App provides access to all the information contained in the The Difficult Airway Society Guidelines for your Android Device.
For Android 4.0+ only at present. 
Adapted to be accessible and useable on a small device screen with a touch interface, the Algorithms are available at your fingertips for review any time. 

Includes algorithms for

- Default strategy for intubation including failed direct laryngoscopy
- Failed rapid sequence induction
- Failed intubation, failed ventilation
- Simple composite airway algorithm
- Extubation Guidelines : Basic algorithm
- Extubation Guidelines : Low risk algorithm
- Extubation Guidelines : 'At risk' algorithm
- Paediatric Difficult Mask Ventilation
- Paediatric Unanticipated difficult intubation
- Paediatric CICV
- Coming soon - Obstetric guidelines
Please give feedback so that this app can be improved.


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