AcerCloudV1.10.2000 安卓版
手机软件  |  2017-04-01  |  上线时间 2025-04-08

AcerCloud Docs is an application that allows you to access and share documents between PCs and/or other mobile devices.It supports Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013. You can use Office in the way you are accustomed to, just create and save the document on the PC, and it will be synchronized to all connected devices.Get started easily--create and save the document on a PC--documents will be saved to AcerCloud--browse, share, or remove the document from any connected device--search the specific documentWith AcerCloud you can use all your content, anywhere, all the time on every device. So download your favorite music at home and listen to it on your phone. Get inspired on the go and work with it at the office. Prepare your presentation on your desktop and blow your clients away from your tablet. Download your movies at home and finish watching it on the go. Manage all your photos taken from your Android devices or imported from your digital camera. Take a photo with your smart phone, enjoy it on your PC.


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