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时间:2015-05-21 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:53

话题: 魔兽世界wow

Thousands of Iron Horde orcs accepted the blood of Mannoroth, but none grew as powerful as the three that stand before you. Dia Darkwhisper, champion of Void magic and an outcast of the Shadowmoon, rose quickly to power - the left hand of Gul'dan. Gurtogg, with his insatiable hunger for blood, emerged the victor in hundreds of trials by combat. He was bested only once, in a draw, by Blademaster Jubei'thos. Tainted with fel sickness, they serve Gul'dan as both Highguard and Council of War.


考莫克 Kormrok


As ancient as Draenor itself, Kormrok once ruled Gorgrond, the creatures of the land slinking away from the giant magnaron's destructive fury. But then the Iron Horde came, trapping the behemoth and attempting to break his will. They were entirely unsuccessful... that is, until the rise of Gul'dan, and the fel power that Kormrok could not resist.

基尔罗格·死眼 Kilrogg Deadeye


Kilrogg Deadeye, Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow, seized control of his clan after performing a ritual to learn of his death. With this knowledge, he led his clan fearlessly on countless campaigns, marching toward the glorious end he desires. Now, with demon blood coursing through his veins, Kilrogg awaits you in Hellfire Citadel, awaiting the moment of his death, or yours.

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