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坦克世界超测服新车:S系10级特种重坦 777工程

时间:2015-05-25 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:97

话题: 坦克世界

Hello warriors,

this is the upcoming tier 10 Soviet heavy tank, Object 777 Variant II - from supertest. It's not a regular vehicle, likely a CW tank.








You can read more about its historyhere.




Object 777 was a unique heavy tank project. It was designed by the Kirov plant in Chelyabinsk. In 1953, the drawings and a mockup were made. The project incorporated a cast hull and a streamlined turret. It was planned to use the M-62-T2 gun on the tank but the work on the tank stopped in the designing phase. It was never mass-produced and was not accepted in service.


等级: 10 HT

血量: 2100

引擎: 850 hp

车重: 49.8 tons

推重比: 17.07 hp/t

极速: 50/16 km/h

车身转速: 25 deg/s

炮塔转速: 24 deg/s

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