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时间:2015-05-27 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:143

话题: 坦克世界

Myths about "Mammut"

Hello warriors,


that didn't take long: Russian players started spreading rumors about the upcoming tier 9 "Mammut" tank. I will post this here just in case any make it to the EU/NA server.


The first news that emerged was that that Mammut will replace the VK4502B instead of Mäuschen. Nope, Mäuschen is still the replacement. The "Mammut" is an event tank (tier 9 CW/special event/whatever). What the purpose of the game will be we might learn soon as Aleksei "Inaki" Ilyin (one of the producers) stated Wargaming might release more info today.

有传言说猛犸会替代VK4502B,这显然是不对的,鼠原将是替换者。猛犸只是个活动坦克。我们将在不久后知道其目的是什么,开发者Aleksei "Inaki" Ilyin说WG会放出更多信息的。

Interestingly enough, according to Inaki its tier is not set yet completely - it's possible that this vehicle will be either tier 8 or tier 9. Unfortunately, it's also not a replacement for the (seriously unhistorical) VK4502A.


Some videomakers (Jove) started also spreading that this tank is completely fake, made by Wargaming. Nope, it existed, you can read about it here in Thor_Hammerschlag's article.


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