2、打开网页输入192.168.1.1 打开路由器后台设置 【不同的路由器IP不一样,具体请查看路由器贴的纸条】
3、找到转发规则——虚拟服务器 服务器端口号输入27015 IP地址输入刚才你查询的内网IP 协议ALL 状态生效 常用服务端口号不用选择、点击保存 另外两个也这样添加
4、同样转发规则——DMZ主机 DMZ主机IP地址输入查询到的内网IP DMZ状态启用 点击保存【这个很重要 想要显示在steam上给大家看到必须这么设置】
ServerPVE: this enables PVE mode. players can not hurt other players, or their structures, or their tamed dinos.
ServerHardcore: this enables ahrdcore mode. when you die, your character is gone.
ServerCrosshair: this enables use of the crosshair
ServerForceNoHUD: this force disables the floating character name popups
AltSaveDirectoryName: this is if you wanna save the data to an alternate directory to run multiple concurrent servers or whatnot
GlobalVoiceChat: this will make voice chat not proximity based
ProximityChat: This will make text chat proximity based
NoTributeDownloads: This will disable downloading external items/characters/dinos into this ARK
AllowThirdPersonPlayer: this enables players to play in 3rd person foot mode (work in progress)
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: this will notify playres when someone leaves
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: this will prevent notification of players when someone joins
这些命令也就第一个有用 开启PVE模式 第二个是类似专家模式 死后角色就删除的意思吧 其他的都用不到
方舟生存进化手机免费版 v2.0.29 66.54 MB
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