首页 > pc游戏攻略 > 方舟生存进化升级与技能点指南


时间:2015-06-08 | 来源:方舟生存进化吧 | 阅读:198

话题: 方舟




  The Final ApproachFinally... The last stretch... You've passed over the metal building blocks because you've seen the outline of the final engrams... That looks like a rocket launcher, and that looks like a mounted machine gun! Well you aren't far off!

  Pick up the Fabricator and the silencer as you're going to want these. One because why would you ever want to attract more of the dinos to you (or perhaps scare them away) and the other because you're about to unlock the best armour in the game... Flak... Guess where it's made... Yup, in the fabricator! You might also want to grab the Flashlight Attatchment for later on.

  Don't forget to unlock Polymer and Electronics so you can make and repair the guns you'll be looking to learn! These are pretty important to the lone wolf as they won't be easy to come by if you're on your own.

  Electronics will be needed for things such as the Auto-Turret, but they cost you a lot of EP and we want to maximize customisation while keeping it "optimal" (and I use that term lightly) for a single player. So lets miss out on that, going on a killing spree with however many bullets you've managed to miraculously make. You've finally unlocked the final few levels and their secret wonders... Finally you have access to the Assault Rifle and it's Advanced Rifle Bullet.

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