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2016年烧烤节问答 新技能和德系BB相关

时间:2016-02-20 | 来源:互联网 | 阅读:77

话题: 战舰世界

3. 新技能不光提高船隻血量会同时提高船隻其他部件的血量,比如炮塔啥的(注:此条被证实有误,原作者已在下方更正)

Update:the skill that adds hit points will not strengthen turrets and other fittings. I don’t really understand what developers said on this one (I doubt anyone did). They just pointed out that cruisers will benefit because they will survive longer when flooding or on fire.



4). The German battleship Gross Deutschland will be a project H41 ship (not a H44 type) with main caliber of 420mm which is larger than that of the Montana but small than that of the Yamato. The Yamato will remain the most heavily armed battleship in game.

4.德系十级战列舰大 德意志(Gross Deutschland)确认是H41而不是H44,H41会有420mm主炮,管子会比大奶粗♀壮但比大和细。大和依旧会是管子最粗的。(译注:欧服上 对于毛子将德系十级BB命名为“大德意志”感到不满,欧服论坛上投票过半人员认为毛子的命名不妥,因为这个名字在欧洲和某个人的主张是挂钩的,不少玩家更 希望毛子用德国城市的名字来命名)


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