重做远古石头人:Reworked Mud Golems:
Mud Golems no longer have Spell Immunity
Mud Golems now have 50% Magic Resistance
Mud Golems armor reduced from 2 to 0
Mud Golems now split into two smaller Mud Golems, called Shard Golems, when they die (they have 30% of the original units' health and damage, and only live for 60 seconds)
击杀大石头人会被分成两个小的Shard Golems(拥有原来30%的血量并且存在60秒)
Mud Golems movement speed increased from 270 to 310
Mud Golems (and also Shard Golems) have a new active ability: Hurl Boulder (0.6 second stun, 125 damage, 30 cooldown, 800 range). They do not automatically cast this
大石头人和击杀大石头人之后出现的Shard Golems都会有个技能Hurl Boulder局势投抛(0.6秒眩晕,125伤害,30秒CD,800距离)不会主动释放@chen
Gold/XP bounties rescaled so the total value for the camp remains the same (Mud Golems 32/42 Gold/XP each, Shard Golems 13/23 each)
赏金和经验重调,总价值不变(石头人32金/42经验,Shard Golems13金23经验)
Hero kills achieved by units under your control now provide XP credit to your hero (Affects things like Spirit Bear, Golems, Familiars, etc getting kills)
Melee attacks now miss if the target is farther than 350 range more than their attack range
Reduced All Pick drafting time from 40 to 35 seconds per turn
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