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时间:2015-10-20 | 来源:PP助手 | 阅读:121

话题: iPhone

前段时间一篇著名的图片畸变畸变矫正应用 SKRWT 对 iPhone 历代相机的对比评测文。让我们更加直观的了解 iPhone 4s 到 6s+ 拍摄效果的变化。普通人也能很容易的看出来到底谁更胜一筹。由于测试者认为上一次的评测环境不能足够客观地反应已有结论,决定重新补充评测一次。当然,这并不代表对上一次得出结论的完全否定,仅相当于对已有结论的完善。


After posting "The Big iPhone Camera Comparison" I didn't felt like I gave the 6s and 6s+ the right playground to prove themselves. This time I've used a tripod and went to Rotterdam, NL with all devices for a more realistic shooting surrounding.

在上一篇文章发布之后,我的内心是纠结的。因为我感觉拍摄时并没有找到能足够客观反映出 6s 和 6s+ 相机实力的环境。于是,我带上了所有的 iPhone 及三脚架,跑到了荷兰的鹿特丹来测试,就是为了找一个更加客观合理的拍摄场景。

注:这篇文章中你看到的所有照片均由 iPhone 拍摄,文末提供了所有原片(ZIP 压缩包)用于下载。


1,High contrast - 100% and unedited - shot using a tripod

This shot has been a tricky one. The bright white bridge and a partly cloudy sky were a good challenge to show the phones' dynamic range capabilities. The 4s image came out pretty grainy, the 5s did a decent job and starting with the 6 the images started looking better. 6+ a bit sharper than the 6 - the 6s and 6s+ winning this comparison due to the megapixel advantage and as already mentioned in the previous comparison: the new iPhones' pictures are warmer right out of the box.

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